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Glossary Of Terms In Your Notion Template

Finding new terminology you’re not familiar with in our Notion Templates? Learn more about them here.

This is a supplementary article to the Co-x3 Family Foundation glossary, specifically for terms found in our Notion Templates.



What are some terminology specific to our Notion templates that you will find useful?

Components are made up of 1 or more Notion Databases, which is where the data is stored. Every entry in the database represents a new item of a component.
Notion Database
In Notion, a database is an advanced type of page used storing and structuring information.
Database View
Database View allows to display the same content in different ways. The content can be visualized as a list, board, calendar, gallery, or timeline - whatever makes the information the most useful.
Database Template
There will always be common use-cases for each entry. Thus, we have created templates to help you easily auto-fill data and properties to fit your needs. We will typically have one for every single type of data that is stored. Depending on your own use cases, you may need to add more definition to existing templates, or create new ones altogether.
Database Property
Database Property defines what type of information a column in your database contains and are a great tool to keep your information organized. They are incredibly useful in providing an overview of the relevant details associated with an item in the database.

Fast Track Your Mastery

Learn the principles behind our systems and build together with us in our new “Making Of…” YouTube series (coming soon!) designed to help you go from zero to hero with our tools.

If you'd like a personalized approach, we offer 1-on-1 support with setting up your system from scratch and customization of your system to fit your unique life.

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